Tuesday 13 December 2016

Do you want to convert that old fridge into a cold smoker? Then do it this way

If you were thinking of throwing away your old fridge, you need to sit back and reconsider because you may just be discarding a mine of value for your family. You can convert that fridge into a valuable cold smoker that will enable you to preserve your food for a longer period while at the same time saving your family a lot of money that could have gone to power bills.

But how on earth can you do that? This article seeks to give you straight forward instructions on how to do the conversion from a fridge to a cold smoker. You will be able to start enjoying the benefits of cold smoking since your food will be rich in oxidizing and anti-microbial benefits as well as improved flavor.

  • Step one: Clean the old fridge before you commence the conversion process.
  • Step two: Choose the interval at which you want the shelves and hangings in the fridge to be.
  • Step three: You now need to cut out and fix the slats that will facilitate the fitting of metal rods so that they can freely move.
  • Step four: Now cut the metal rods in their right sizes and ensure that they area enough for the task.
  • Step five: Fit the chimney that will be removing the smoke from the smoker.
  • Step Six: Here, you are supposed to apply a sealant so that every gap and hole is closed.
  • Step seven: Make the bottom of your fridge fireproof so that it can work safely with a smoke generator.
  • Step eight: It is time for the installation of a thermometer (or several) so that you can monitor the temperatures in the cold smoker.
  • Step Nine: Finally, clean and test how well the smoker works.

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